Enjoy 10 dishes of our famous beef tongue, from sashimi to grilled! Juutan's carefully selected course

Enjoy 10 dishes of our famous beef tongue, from sashimi to grilled! Juutan's carefully selected course

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"When you think of Carpetan, you think of beef tongue! This course includes everything from our specialty tongue sashimi to a beef tongue yakiniku platter! Highly recommended for first-time customers!"

Course menu

Free refills of rice!

Unlimited onion refills!

・A companion to yakiniku! The new standard: infinite onions

・Kimchi platter with beef tongue kimchi!

· Cho Gegsalada

・Hatagaya tongue sashimi

・10 second grilled beef tongue

・Special course rice ~Jyuutan no TKG~

・Two types of beef tongue - Sendai beef tongue and thick-sliced beef tongue

・Dragon skirt steak

・Infinite Chicken Wings

·Cold noodle

Available days for reservation
Monday to Sunday, holidays, days before holidays
Length of stay
2 hours
Reservation deadline
Until 22:00 the day before your visit

2024/09/09 update